10 People and Whistleblowers Who Died Trying to Tell the Truth
Nathan Johnson
Unfortunately, this world we live in is full of evil people, scams, schemes, and companies with ill intentions. Occasionally there are people who come forward trying to expose the truth, right the wrongs, and fight back against injustices that are happening. Often times these people are brushed off, labeled as crazy or a conspiracy theorist, or in the most extreme cases, simply taken out.
So check out this list of people who were telling the truth. but no one believed them until after they died.
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The Idaho cult Mom, Lori Vallow's husband, Charles. Not only did he know she was going to kill him but he also knew the kids were in danger and begged the police to address the fact that she was clearly not mentally stable. He finally got the police to require a mental health exam for her but there's audio of the police officers telling her how to pass it and treating her like a victim of her husband. The audio of him talking to the police is really depressing... guy is just begging them for help and they basically patted him on the head.He was right and now he's dead and so are those poor kids. Really depressing case. -
The Idaho cult Mom, Lori Vallow's husband, Charles. Not only did he know she was going to kill him but he also knew the kids were in danger and begged the police to address the fact that she was clearly not mentally stable. He finally got the police to require a mental health exam for her but there's audio of the police officers telling her how to pass it and treating her like a victim of her husband.
The audio of him talking to the police is really depressing... the guy is just begging them for help and they basically patted him on the head. He was right and now he's dead and so are those poor kids. Really depressing case. -
There was a shunned Japanese politician who had spent a lot of his town's budget on building a tsunami wall that was built higher than any tsunami ever recorded in the area. Almost all people in that town cursed him for wasting their money until his death.
Then came the big 2011 triple disaster in Japan. No one from the town died thanks to the barrier which withheld the biggest tsunami to ever hit. -
Ignaz Semmelweis. The first doctor to implement hand washing in hospitals. It’s saved millions of lives and is the single greatest innovation in medicine. For his radical theory, that doctors were killing patients by not washing their hands, he was shunned from the medical profession by his peers.
The rejection and failure to adopt handwashing drove him mad. His rival took his job and had him sent to the asylum. He died 4 days after being committed, from injuries he sustained from being beaten in the ward. Years after his death, his theories about hand washing were proven correct. Today he’s known as “the savior of mothers” because he first proved hand washing saved lives by implementing it in the birthing ward, where 1 in 4 women died at the hospital during birth.
This was because doctors would handle cadavers and then immediately attend to birthing mothers, infecting them. After hand washing was implemented, the rate of death for birthing mothers dropped to less than 5%. -
Father Minkler. He was a whistle-blower priest in the Diocese of Albany who exposed a horrific pedophile priest and the bishop of the diocese for child sexual abuse and also covered for other clerics doing the same thing. He wrote a letter to the Vatican on the matter and it got back to the bishop, who was enraged and denied the allegations vehemently. For four years the bishop didn’t know who wrote the letter until a TV station reported it was Father Minker.
The next day Father Minkler was called to the chancery and forced to sign a letter drafted by the bishop's legal counsel denying writing the letter or that the bishop and this priest were guilty of child abuse. Two days later he was conveniently found dead in his home by his sister. At first, it was ruled a heart attack and then changed to a suicide. The diocese produced his signed “statement” recanting the letter he wrote and the bishop claimed exoneration. There was a bottle of pills found near the priest's body later determined to be muscle relaxers. The church claimed the priest intentionally overdosed on these pills and died. They also claimed he left a suicide note. However, no drugs were found in his system and no suicide note has ever been produced.
I believe Father Minkler was murdered for doing the right thing. He was posthumously vindicated after the bishop was deposed in 2019 and finally admitted to having committed sexual abuse against children and covering for others. There are currently seven lawsuits pending against the diocese due to his abuse. -
Vladimir KomarovOne of the first Russian cosmonauts. He knew the soyuz space capsule was unsafe, he told them repeatedly, but flew anyway to spare the life of his replacement pilot. Before liftoff he demanded that when he died, all officials at the kremlin would have to attend his funeral and see what they did to him. All they were able to retrieve was a charred heel bone. Top image are the kremlin officials at his open-casket funeral.. -
Herbert Von BoseHe was a government official who leaked a lot Nazi atrocities and was subsequently murdered during the Night of Long Knives. -
John O'Neill, headed the investigation of the attack on the USS Cole. Warned FBI about Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Was basically told to shut up. Left the FBI to head security at the World Trade Center because he knew there would be another attack there eventually after the first car bombing in the parking ramp.He died on 911. -
Helmuth Hübener was a teenage boy living in Nazi Germany. He distributed anti-nazi leaflets and tried to tell people in Germany the war was not going the way Hitler and the party claimed it was. He was arrested alongside several other boys who had helped him. During his trial, Helmuth purposefully baited the judges so that his friends would receive lighter sentences. His friends were sentenced to imprisonment in labor camps,
Helmuth was sentenced to death by beheading. After his conviction, he turned to the judges and said "I have to die now for no crime at all. Your turn is next!" He was executed in 1942 at the age of 17. -
Sergei Magnitsky, whistleblower of corruption in the Russian government including human rights violations and strong opponent of Vladimir Putin. While in prison he died one week before his court date to testify from what was originally deemed malnourishment and an untreated heart condition with medical neglect. An investigation later found that he had been severely assaulted shortly before his death. -
Karen Gay Silkwood (February 19, 1946 – November 13, 1974) was an American chemical technician and labor union activist known for raising concerns about corporate practices related to health and safety in a nuclear facility.After testifying to the Atomic Energy Commission about her concerns, she was found to have plutonium contamination on her body and in her home. While driving to meet with a New York Times journalist and an official of her union's national office, she died in a car crash under unclear circumstances.
- 10 People and Whistleblowers Who Died Trying to Tell the Truth
- 22 Facepalms With More Fail Than the Titanic
The Idaho cult Mom, Lori Vallow's husband, Charles. Not only did he know she was going to kill him but he also knew the kids were in danger and begged the police to address the fact that she was clearly not mentally stable. He finally got the police to require a mental health exam for her but there's audio of the police officers telling her how to pass it and treating her like a victim of her husband. The audio of him talking to the police is really depressing... guy is just begging them for help and they basically patted him on the head.He was right and now he's dead and so are those poor kids. Really depressing case.